Youtube Channel - Bringing the UC Davis Reserve (Stebbins Canyon) to us through video
UC Davis Natural Reserve System
About UC NRS
The University of California Natural Reserve System is the largest and most diverse network of university field stations in the world. Its 39 reserves include examples of most major ecosystem in the state. These reserves provide secure sites for long-term environmental research, education and public outreach. They enable monitoring of environmental health and provide a baseline for ecosystem restoration, in the context of California’s growing population and a changing global environment.
The Natural Reserve System offers relatively undisturbed samples of the state’s natural ecosystems – and the facilities needed to support teaching and research – to students, teachers, and researchers from the University of California, and to qualified users from other institutions of higher education throughout the world.
Five reserves are administered by the Davis campus: Bodega Marine Reserve, Jepson Prairie Reserve, Donald and Sylvia McLaughlin Reserve, Quail Ridge Reserve, and Stebbins Cold Canyon Reserve. These reserves represent a wide variety of habitats in close proximity to the campus.
CCE parent and long time EEP chair Paul Havemann is a member of the stewardship team managing University of California Natural Reserve System properties in California's Coastal Range. Part of our vision is to connect the UC Davis Natural Reserve System Stebbins Cold Canyon and Quail Ridge with CCE to create curated field trips for our students. Paul and his team are actively working on facilitating student outings, creating opportunity for our children to directly connect with our the natural wild habitats for education and exploration. Stay tuned for more.